1. Who were the underwriters for NetEase's initial public offering?
2. How many employees does NetEase have?
3. What is NetEase's fiscal year end?
4. When did NetEase go public, at what price, and how many shares were issued?
5. Can I buy stock through the company?
6. How do I transfer my stock, change my title or address on my NetEase stock certificate, or contact the transfer agent?
7. What is NetEase's ticker symbol and what stock exchange does it trade on?
8. What is NetEase's CUSIP number?
9. When and where was NetEase incorporated?
10. Does NetEase issue dividends?
11. How many NetEase shares are outstanding?
12. Who are NetEase's Certificate Public Accountants?
13. Where is NetEase's headquarter?
14. Who covers NetEase's stock?
1. Who were the underwriters for NetEase's initial public offering?
  NetEase's underwriters were Merrill Lynch Far East Limited and Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown.
2. How many employees does NetEase have?
  NetEase has approximately 300 employees.
3. What is NetEase's fiscal year end?
  NetEase's fiscal year end is December 31st.
4. When did NetEase go public, at what price, and how many shares were issued?
  4.5 million ADSs (American Depository Shares equivalent to 450,000,000 common shares) were issued on June 30, 2000 at $15.50 per ADS.
5. Can I buy stock through the company?
  No, NetEase does not have a direct stock purchase plan. In order to buy stock, you will need to contact a stockbroker or set up an account with an online brokerage service.
6. How do I transfer my stock, change my title or address on my NetEase stock certificate, or contact the transfer agent?
  NetEase's transfer agent is Bank of New York. You can reach them by dialing 1-888-BNY-ADRS (or 1-888-269-2377), or emailing to ADR@bankofny.com. Their address is: Investor Enquiry Division, 101 Barclay Street, New York NY 10286, USA.
7. What is NetEase's ticker symbol and what stock exchange does it trade on?
  NetEase's ticker symbol is NTES and the stock trades on NASDAQ National Market.
8. What is NetEase's CUSIP number?
  NetEase's CUSIP number is 64110W.
9. When and where was NetEase incorporated?
  NetEase was incorporated in Cayman Island in 1999. The company's predecessor, Guangzhou NetEase Computer Systems was incorporated in Guangzhou in July 1997.
10. Does NetEase issue dividends?
  No, NetEase does not issue dividends.
11. How many NetEase shares are outstanding?
  As of today, there were 3,010,555,600 shares of common stock outstanding, which translates into 30,105,556 ADSs(American Depository Shares)
12. Who are NetEase's Certificate Public Accountants?
  NetEase's CPA is Arthur Anderson.
13. Where is NetEase's headquarter?
  NetEase's headquarter is in Beijing, China and the company also has an office in Silicon Valley.
14. Who covers NetEase's stock?
  The companies covering NetEase's stock include: Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited, Deutsche Bank Alex. Brow, ING Barings Limited, Credit Suisse First Boston (Hong Kong) Limited, Salomon Smith Barney Singapore PTE Limited, Lehman Brother Asia Limited and Credit Lyonnais Securities (Asia) Ltd..