Xinhua News Agency
Xinhua News Agency is the State news agency of the People's Republic of China and the largest news and information gathering and distribution center in the country.
Xinhua News Agency has 32 domestic bureaus in provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and Hong Kong SAR, with the exception of Taiwan. It also has sub-bureaus and correspondent stations in more than 50 large & medium-sized cities throughout China and a bureau in Macao. Xinhua News Agency has overseas bureaus in more than 100 countries and regions, and has five regional bureaus - an Asia-Pacific Bureau in Hong Kong, Latin America Regional Bureau in Mexico City, Africa Regional Bureau in Nairobi, Middle East Regional Bureau in Cairo, and a Paris Regional Bureau in charge of French-speaking areas. These five bureaus release news stories directly via the overseas wire service.
Xinhua News Agency publishes some 40 newspapers and periodicals, including the Xinhua Daily Telegraph (daily), Xinhua News Bulletin (published in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian), Reference News (daily), Economic Information Daily, China Securities (daily), Shanghai Securities (daily), China News Pictorial (weekly), Outlook Weekly, Fortnightly Review, Globe (monthly), Chinese Journalist (monthly), Photo world (monthly), Great Rural World (monthly), and China Yearbook (both in Chinese and English). Among them, Reference News and Fortnightly Review boast the largest circulation in China in terms of dailies and periodicals respectively. Xinhua Publishing House, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, publishes more than 400 book titles each year, mainly covering journalism, current affairs and politics.