Introducing our key persons
  After graduating from Beijing Foreign Affairs College in 1989, Mr. Ma was employed by Dentsu, Young & Rubicam Advertising Co., Shanghai Branch, where he held the titles of Account Executive, Account Manager and Senior Account Manager. His client portfolio included Volkswagen, Dupont, SC Johnson, Becks Beer and other international accounts. He joined the Heng Tong Consulting Company in 1992 as the Director of Advertising where he was responsible for conducting large-scale marketing research activities.
  In 1993, Mr. Ma founded the Front Sight Advertising Co. in Shanghai and served international clients, which included Gillette, Nabisco and Foster's Beer. In 1998, he established BraiNet Communications where his client list included Nike, HP, Braun, Norvatis and other multinational companies. Mr. Ma's diverse background and frontline experience made him a valuable asset for multinational companies looking to promote their business in China and he continues to enjoy an excellent reputation in his field.
  Mr. Ma joined NetEase as the Vice President of Marketing in March 2000. He was initially responsible for marketing activities in eastern China. He is currently responsible for all of NetEase's national programs including planning, execution and evaluation.